Business House Bowls is an opportunity to have new non-bowlers participate in a vibrant “social summer league” sport with their mates and enhance the possibility of them joining our club as a social or full playing member.
The Board asks members to please note the dates for this competition and to get yourself a team and enter.
The target market is corporate or business houses, with a definite tilt towards the 45 and under age group, male and female non-bowlers.
The format will be 2-bowl triples with two 30-minute games per evening.
We will run a “weekly winner” series based on wins, ends and points.
PLAYING DATES 2020/2021 – Mondays at 6 pm
Series 1:
Nov 16th, 23rd, 30th
Dec 7th
Series 2:
Feb 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd
March 1st, 15th
Any businesses or teams wishing to enter are urged to contact the club as soon as they have a team organised as we know from past experience that the competition is extremely popular and team numbers are limited.
Please contact Derek Moles to enter:
Phone: 06 758 7876
Mobile: 027 451 1862 or
Email: molesy@xtra.co.nz