Fitzroy Bowling Club Men’s and Women’s Tournaments 2020/2021
Monday 28 September 2020: Women's 2 bowls triples - 9.30 am start
Monday 2 November 2020: Police Optional Triples (Mufti) - 9.00 am start
Wednesday 18 November 2020: Mixed Triples (Mufti) - 9.30 am start
Wednesday 25 November 2020: Taranaki Hospitality (Mufti) - 9.00 am start
Monday 7 December 2020: Women's Classic Fours - 9.30 am start
Monday 14 December 2020: Xmas Hams Triples - 9.00 am start
Saturday 27 February 2021: Craigs Investment 2 day triples - 9.00 am start
Sunday 28 February 2021: Craigs Investment 2 day triples - 9.00 am start
Thursday 4 March 2021: Women's Invitation Pairs - 9.30 am start
Monday 22 March 2021: Sportys Invitation Mixed Fours - 8.45 am start
Tuesday 23 March 2021: Sportys Invitation Mixed Fours - 8.45 am start
Tuesday 6 April 2021: Women's 2 bowl triples - 9.30 am start
Saturday 17 April 2021: 2 day 10yr & under opt. 2x4x2 At Stratford/Avon - 9.00 am start
Sunday 18 April 2021: 2 day 10yr & under opt. 2x4x2 At Fitzroy - 9.00 am start
Friday 30 April 2021: Lisa Keen Audiology Invitation Pairs - 9.00 am start
Sunday 2 May 2021: Butchers - 9.00 am start
Players must be financial before playing championships.
Players are asked to check that they will be available for all the dates set down before entering the event.
Teams are self-selected and entered as a team under the skip’s name, with the names of all players being recorded on the entry sheet. If you are not part of a team, place your name in the single names list to indicate you would like to take part. The Match Committee will endeavour to make up and enter teams from the single names and advise you of the entry.
Players wishing to withdraw from championships after closing date are asked to contact the Match Committee.
A player or team having a bye may practice at the discretion of the controlling body.
Any games deferred because of weather are to be played on the next available date set down in the programme. Should weather interfere with play, the match committee reserves the right to vary the published programme, number of ends, and conditions of play.
The club is limited to the days available for Club Championships, which may mean games are played mid-week, depending on weather, or players to organise their own games when it suits both parties.
SINGLES – Three games – 21 shots, two or more wins to qualify (3 games per day)
PAIRS * – Three games of 18 ends, two or more wins to qualify (3 games per day)
TRIPLES * – Three games of 18 ends (2 bowls), two or more wins to qualify (3 games per day)
FOURS – Three games – 15 ends (2 bowls), two or more wins to qualify (3 games per day)
JUNIOR SINGLES – ( 5 years and under), three games – 21 shots, two or more wins to qualify
JUNIOR SINGLES – (1 and 2 years), to be advised, dependant on entries.
* Post section for both Pairs & Triples will be 21 ends
SINGLES – Three games – 21 shots, two or more wins to qualify. (3 rounds per day).
PAIRS- Three games – 21 ends, two or more wins to qualify.
TRIPLES – Three games – 21 ends (2 bowls), two or more wins to qualify.
FOURS – Three games - 15 ends – two or more wins to qualify.
JUNIOR SINGLES – 21 shots, two or more wins to qualify.
JUNIOR SINGLES (1 & 2 years) – To be advised - dependent on entries
*Formats for all championships may defer from above depending on entries received for each event.
In all Club Championship games, including finals, one completed end (or ends) will be played if scores are tied on completion of ends as stipulated above
Open to all fully subscribed men, women, and limited members. Team’s entries can be made for this event (pick your own team - 3 bowls).
Open to all fully subscribed men, women, and limited members. Teams will be drawn from single-name entries. Wins and points will decide the winner.
To enter the “Invitation Pairs” you need to invite a playing partner from another Club to join you. Get organised early - limited to 32 entries!
This is an internal club competition for Fitzroy Bowling Club members.
The series will run over 10-12 weeks, played on Saturday afternoons in the following format:-
3 bowls triples, 18 ends, with no time limit (must complete all 18 ends).
Teams will be drawn, Skips, Twos, and Leads will be graded.
Start time at 1.00 pm
Daily winner to be found by ends won / differential and aggregate if necessary.
Draws count.
The daily winning team will win meat vouchers, valued at $30.00 per player.
Mat fee of $5.00 per player per day.
Names must be in by 5.30 pm on the Friday prior to play.
2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, 1 point for attendance
1 point for each end won (in the event of points tied at the conclusion of the series, differential first and then if necessary aggregate points will be used to determine the winner and place getters).
Overall series-winning Skip, Two and Lead along with the runner-up and third place Skips, Two’s and Leads will receive cash prizes.
The player(s) with most attendances throughout the series will receive a prize.
NOTE: Some series days may be cancelled if the Greens are required for Centre events. This will be advised on the Pavilion noticeboard.
Members taking part in the ‘Club Day’ programme should note:
Names must be “in” 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. Organisers need this amount of time to draw and select teams and finalize the organisation for the event. Members too late to meet this deadline will, if not required, need to bowl in a separate roll-up.
Members should ensure that they have their four bowls with them on Club Days. The numbers attending may require a game other than fours to be played where more than two bowls are required.
Details of the “Club Day” programmes are displayed in the pavilion. Although liable to change on the day, these programmes will give members an idea of what is planned for the particular day and will provide a varied and interesting programme throughout the season. The programme falls flat without your involvement.
Some Club Days may be cancelled if the greens are required for Centre Events - This will be displayed on the pavilion notice board